Past work
Workshops and other projects Living Languages has been involved in across Australia.
Check out where we have been for our workshops and other projects.
The map shows our workshops and other events in 2024.
You can hover over the markers to read about them, or scroll through our news stories below.
To learn about workshops and projects , please contact us.
The Language Leadership workshop commenced in the second week of May, held on beautiful Larrakia Country. This year, Living Languages collaborated with ARDS Aboriginal Corporation and the Ngukurr Language Centre to bring Yolngu and Ngalakgan speakers, from across Arnhem land, together in Darwin. With the focus of the week being to connect with Elders, create pathways and receive training for Language work.
The Living Languages team had the pleasure to present two workshops on sharing language immersion teaching ideas and techniques at Puliima Indigenous Language & Technology Conference in Darwin. Our trainers were joined by our wonderful team of guest trainers to bring these immersion techniques to many participants from communities from all around Australia.
In June our trainers Amy, Mandy and Desiree travelled to Yawuru Country in Broome, WA, to deliver a workshop for the Catholic Education Aboriginal Teacher Assistants for the Kimberley Region. They then travelled on to Miriwoong country in Kununurra, to deliver a four-day workshop for the Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language Centre mob.
In December Amy and one of our newest trainers, Desiree, travelled to Kabi Kabi Country in Caboolture, QLD, for a workshop with the language teachers at Caboolture State High School.
In November Living Languages travelled to Adelaide on Kaurna land to take part in the 2-day Warra: Indigenous Languages Youth Forum. The Forum was hosted by First Languages Australia and aimed to bring tomorrow’s leaders together, to build networks, gain skills and inspire young people to take on vital community language roles.
From 31 May to 2 June we hosted the third and final block of our Community Trainer Program. This block was all about bringing everything together from the last two blocks.
Over five wonderful days in May, Living Languages joined our partner, Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY) in Broome, to run the 2022 Language Leadership Workshop.
Community Trainer Block 2 is done and dusted! We spent 3 great days with the crew, with lots of laughs and some learning on the side.
February 15-17 saw the launch of a new training program for Living Languages! The Community Trainer Program aims to support and enhance the skills, knowledge and confidence of people who want to teach or train others within their communities, or who are already doing so.
In the first Sharing Circle for this year, the Living Languages Team shared some handy online tools and were able to give a basic demonstration on how those tools could be used at home or at work to make some practical language and culture resources.
Over the first two weeks of December, Ebony and Language Leadership participant Lakota Milera-Weetra co-facilitated an online workshop series on unpacking the Language Digital Activism Toolkit, on behalf of Rising Voices.
On 20th September, some of the young Language Leaders from this year's QLD Professional Development Workshop in Cairns caught up with Ebony and Amy over Zoom.
This month we were delighted to have partnered with ARDS Aboriginal Corporation (Northern Territory), who ran their Literacy and Translation Workshop from June 7th - 11th in Darwin.
May 24th-28th seen our NSW PD Youth Workshop happen. We had five participants from all around NSW travel to Nambucca Heads to take part.
In February Living Languages did weekly online sessions with Far West Language Centre. These sessions focussed on unpacking the Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program (MALLP).
In late September 2020, Living Languages partnered up with First Languages Australia (FLA) to pilot and provide a series of six online training sessions to some of the young language workers and teachers that are part of our programs.
Along with most of the rest of the world, Living Languages has fast figured out some new ways of working in 2020. Recently Trainer Andrew Tanner has been working with Gangulu men Thomas Watson and Murrie Kemp on coming to grips with linguistics materials published on their language.
Emma Murphy again travelled to Katherine on behalf of Living Languages 5-6 November for another workshop with Chiyo, Betty and Susan from Barunga.
Not fazed by Covid restrictions, Living Languages wrapped up our very first "hybrid" language workshop on 11 September, delivered with trainers both in person and remotely. Former Training Director Emma Murphy came down from Darwin to Katherine to work with the Jawoyn language ladies from Barunga - Susan, Betty and Chiyo.
In this article, Alice Gaby (Monash University) discusses the importance and impact of the Paper & Talk workshop we ran in collaboration with AIATSIS in 2019 in Canberra to assist community researchers in their search through the archives for language materials.
Living Languages attended the Australian Languages Workshop 28 February - 1 March, held on Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) on Quandamooka Country. Living Languages trainer, Ebony, presented at the conference with Fred and Aneta – two Wakka Wakka language activists who attended our Paper & Talk workshop last year at AIATSIS.
Amy was in Brisbane at the end of February catching up with Aaron (Pitta Pitta) and Sandra (Jandai). While both Aaron and Sandra have been busy preparing for presentations at the Australian Languages Workshop at Minjerribah, they managed to take some time out to get stuck into some language work.
Emma and Andrew wrapped up our first ever workshop at Maningrida College in Central Arnhem Land on 13 February, where they've been working with the amazing language team responsible for developing materials for the school's unique multilingual program.
In early December, 2019, we were very excited to finally launch our Learner’s Guide Template – a guide to help Indigenous people create a community-friendly resource about their own language.
The Living Languages team were very proud to be invited to train at the CoeDL Summer School in December, 2019, delivering a course “Making linguistics accessible to those who need it”, together with friends and co-trainers Sharon Edgar Jones (Wonnarua and Gringai) and Harley Dunolly-Lee (Dja Dja Wurrung).
At the end of October, Living Languages had our second workshop at Minjilang, helping out with the Minjilang Language and Culture project. Emma had already visited once earlier in the year, and was happy to return and introduce Ebony to the team revitalising the Iwaidja Language, supported by ARDS Aboriginal Corporation.
The end of October 2019 saw all of Living Languages’ trainers on islands off the coast of Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. Andrew and Amy travelled once again to visit the Groote Eylandt Language Centre for a jam-packed week of language work.
Amy and our old friend and occasional trainer, Jess, travelled out to Broome over 23-25 October to run a workshop at the fabulous Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga language centre – home of regional trainer Roko Shioji.