Caboolture Workshop Dec 2022


From December 5-7 Amy and one of our newest trainers, Desiree, were on Kabi Kabi Country in Caboolture, QLD, for a workshop with the language teachers at Caboolture State High School. The school has an amazing Language Program teaching Kabi Kabi language and culture to both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Year 7 students, which will slowly expand to other year levels.

Over the first two days, we worked with the First Nations Culture & Language Consultants to practise some immersion teaching methods for the classroom. We also explored new and old Kabi Kabi resources to find information on word endings (suffixes) so the group can build words and sentences. On the 3rd day the group invited in the other teachers involved in the program, and some Elders and members of the community. The Culture & Language Consultants were able to demonstrate what they had learnt to the group, and we had some great yarns about the language and how it is taught. We all enjoyed having Aunty Jacqui, a respected Kabi Kabi elder and Traditional owner of the area, share her knowledge and guidance.

It was a very productive workshop and we’re looking forward to seeing the Kabi Kabi Language program grow and get stronger for the future generations.