Language Work Resources
Resources to support language work
These are some resources Living Languages has created that you may find helpful for your language work.
Here, you will find our Learner’s Guide Template, and a Language Community Notice Board full of resources. This space hopes to provide helpful information to support you on your language journey.
Learner’s Guide Template
Often the first step in your Language journey - The Learner’s Guide Template is both a “how-to” guide and Plain English template for writing a learner's guide for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language.
The template is written in accessible language to help non-linguists interpret academic linguistic materials to make a community-friendly resource.
It suggests a structure for your learner’s guide, and provides template text that can be used or adapted to suit your language.
Who, What, Where Cards - Language resources in use at Moorooka Immersion Workshop.
RESOURCES Notice Board
Welcome to our Language Community Resources Notice Board!
Whether you are starting out on reclaiming your language, learning or teaching it, or creating language materials - we hope you find this space helpful. We will regularly add posts to the notice board to provide ongoing support for your language work. If you can’t see what you’re looking for - please feel free to contact us, we’d love to hear your feedback.
Connect with others
If you are looking to connect with others doing language work, join our monthly online Sharing Circle email us at contact@livinglanguages.org.au we can also set up an online gathering for your language. First Languages Australia also has a comprehensive map of language centres and organisations in Australia, showing you where you can find local or regional language projects or activities.