Posts in Other
Australian Languages Workshop - Minjerribah (Stradbroke Is.) Feb-Mar 2020

Living Languages attended the Australian Languages Workshop 28 February - 1 March, held on Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) on Quandamooka Country. Living Languages trainer, Ebony, presented at the conference with Fred and Aneta – two Wakka Wakka language activists who attended our Paper & Talk workshop last year at AIATSIS.

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CoEDL Summer School Workshop Dec 2019

The Living Languages team were very proud to be invited to train at the CoeDL Summer School in December, 2019, delivering a course “Making linguistics accessible to those who need it”, together with friends and co-trainers Sharon Edgar Jones (Wonnarua and Gringai) and Harley Dunolly-Lee (Dja Dja Wurrung).

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