West Kimberley Language Gathering

Last week, Living Languages trainers Fiona and Sophie travelled to Broome to attend the West Kimberley Language Gathering, organised and held at Nyamba Buru Yawuru. This event brought together Indigenous language groups of the Nyulnyulan Language classification, government representatives, Indigenous language experts, linguists, educators, and community leaders to discuss the preservation, revitalisation, and promotion of Indigenous languages in the region.

The gathering featured presentations from key language organisations across the nation, state, and locally. These organisations, including First Languages Australia, WA Department of Education, Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga Nirrwa, Kimberley Language Resource Centre, AIATSIS, Charles Darwin University, Miromaa ALTC, Indigenous Literacy Foundation, WA Network of Aboriginal Language Centres (WANALC), and the ABC, provided insights into resources, best practices, challenges, and innovative strategies for language preservation and revitalisation.

The week included a Country Language experience facilitated by Bardi Jawi traditional owners in Djarindjin Community on the Dampier Peninsula. Participants engaged in passionate discussions, shared experiences, and forged collaborations aimed at developing and fostering their languages.

Living Languages was honoured to take part in the event. Stay tuned for more information about the workshop our trainers delivered on immersion strategies!