Getting Strategic in Sydney!

Living Languages Board Members and Staff met to update our Strategic Plan over three days at Tranby College in Sydney. Board drove or flew in from around the country, we were especially grateful To Aunty Louise Manas who came a long way from Kubin on Moa Island and Aunty Myree Sam from Saibai, via Cairns.

Day One saw staff old and new meet to review where we are at, and where we need to head to continue to serve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-based language work. Board and Staff come together on day two to welcome new members, and bond over some Blue Sky Thinking to create a Shared Vision. A SWOT analysis and focus on priorities and what we need to deliver rounded off the day. On day Three the Board drilled down into our governance, Strategy action planning and how we measure our success.

We are grateful to all the Board and Staff who made it possible as well as our hosts at Tranby and our inspiring facilitator Kristal Kinsela. All agreed it was so inspiring we will meet face to face whenever we can