WA Workshops June 2023


After a long Covid-induced break from in-person training, our team have been out and about in community in WA!

Our trainers have been busy on this recent trip, first up they headed off to Yawuru country in Broome for NAIDOC and to visit the Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga Language Centre where they met up with our deadly guest trainer Roko, Aunty Coco & Gina. After some pleasant catch ups at the Nagula Jarndu Women’s Art and Resource Centre, and catching a sunset at Cable Beach, Mandy, Amy & Desiree went on to deliver a three-day workshop for the Catholic Education WA Aboriginal Teacher Assistants for the Kimberley Region. Traditional Indigenous languages are being taught and revitalised across the Kimberly region, the workshops involved sharing language teaching techniques, lesson planning, language teaching activities and games. It also offered a great opportunity for the teachers to connect and network with each other and share resources.

Next up, our deadly team provided a four-day workshop on Miriwoong country in Kununurra with the Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language Centre mob. Our trainers worked together with the Miriwoong Language Teachers sharing language teaching techniques like 4 stages of language learning, role play storytelling, language games and activities, and class management in the local Early Learning Centres, Primary and High Schools. Among the intensive workshops there was also some well-earned down time spent with the community on the water, fishing and sharing stories on their last day.

Our trainers had an amazing few weeks on the ground, in community and enjoyed all the stories and languages that were shared.